fish aqurium

How to start a freshwater aquarium?

Owning an aquarium can be so much fun and thrilling. By using today’s innovation and technology, you can create vivid types of aquariums with freshwater and marine creatures from all over the world. Before choosing to install a custom freshwater aquarium, consider all the financial and economical aspects. Choosing the right kind of aquarium is important along with the right fishes kept within your budget. The Aquarium shop in Gurgaon helps you install custom made glass aquariums. And when talking of making aquariums, glass aquariums steal the show by being cheaper than acrylic.

Benefits of choosing glass aquarium
1. Cost: Glass aquariums are so popular that manufacturing one reduces the cost.
2. Look: it looks classical and artistic at the same time. You can have a designer aquarium with the fish of your choice.
3. Scratching: The Aquarium shop in Gurgaon makes it a point to consider glass aquariums above anything else. Water aquariums cannot be scratched and destroyed easily. It is easier to clean.
4. Clarity: Light cannot damage glass aquariums and these are UV resistant freshwater aquariums. It remains clear no matter how much light shines through the glass. Starfire glass or low iron glass is considered the best as it allows 90% of the light to transmit through it.

Why is having custom glass aquariums the best?
Aquarium cleaning services in Gurgaon feel that custom glass aquariums are grand. You can give any shape to it just like you have always wanted it. It can be made for accepting any size and if you want to put a decorative item, chiller, or supersized pump, you can put anything in a custom-built one.

You can also customize the glass using the new range of glass available in the markets called sapphire glass. It is clearer and is free from iron and the greenish customary tint looks so gorgeous. Customized glass aquariums are amazing choices for showing off your flair.

Where to put an aquarium?

Finding a quiet place out of direct sunlight is best for keeping an aquarium. You should put it close to an electricity board for plugging in the heater and filtering easily. Ensure keeping the tank on a good stand base or floor for supporting the aquarium. Keep the stand level keeping a sheet of polyfoam under the tank.

Setting up the aquarium
● Clean the aquarium using tap water only and do not use any harsh chemicals for cleaning it. The residue left behind is not good for fishes.
● Wash the gravel properly with tap water and rinse till the dust is mounted off. Place the aquarium in a depth of 1 to 2 cm.
● Install all the equipment inside the tank-like air pumps, filters, heater, etc.
● Fill the tank with water and add a water conditioner for removing toxins in tap water.
● Before putting in fish, keep the pH levels balanced and the ammonia level must be 0. Keep the pH a little acidic.


Think well before setting up a custom glass aquarium. Check the budget and designs and add charm and glitter to your homes by placing a custom glass aquarium. You can have a theme based aquarium to match the decor of your home or office.